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HS-(CH2)11-NMe3+ Cl-
HS-(CH2)11-NMe3+ Cl- (FT 006)


A truly versatile compound! This thiol has been successfully used to stabilize gold nanoparticles (Wang et al. Anal. Chem. 74, 4320, 2002), to prepare surfaces that interact with the DNA backbone via charge complementarity (McIntosh et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123, 7626, 2001), as a reagent for the preparation of bioresistant zwitterionic SAMs (Holmlin et al. Langmuir 17, 2841, 2001) and as a coating in mesoscale electrostatic self-assembly (Tien et al. Langmuir 13,5349, 1997). More recently (Kalsin et al. Science 312, 420, 2006), it provided a basis for electrostatic self-assembly of binary nanoparticle crystals, in which nanoparticles coated with this thiol assembled with those covered with a negatively charged SAM (cf. Cat. # FT 002 and FT 009). The pictures below (courtesy of the Grzybowski lab at Northwestern) show diamond-like (sic!) crystals each composed of millions of charged gold and silver nanoparticles.

Standard Products

name catalog no. m n weight price
HS-C11-NMe3Cl FT 006-0.2 200 mg Log in to see the prices
HS-C11-NMe3Cl FT 006-0.5 500 mg
HS-C11-NMe3Cl FT 006-1 1 g

Custom synthesis variants

This product is also available on custom synthesis basis, in the following variants:

m: 10, 16
n: n/a

Note, if none of the listed structures fit your specific requirements, please submit your own structure formula within our custom synthesis contact form by clicking button below.

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